Nanoelectronics Research Initiative Site Visit
University of Nebraska scientists hosted a team of industry researchers from the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI) on September 30, 2009 as part of the joint NRI/NSF Supplement to the Nebraska MRSEC. The visiting NRI team was Bill Gallagher (IBM), Ron Goldfarb (NIST Boulder), Zoran Krivokapic (AMD), and John Smythe (Micron). George Bourianoff (Intel) and Luigi Colombo (Texas Instruments) attended via web conference.
NRI liaison team leader George Bourianoff presented an overview of the goals and challenges of the NRI for beyond CMOS technology. Nebraska researchers then presented results from several active research projects. The goal of the Nebraska MRSEC supplement is to theoretically study multiferroic interfaces as a new paradigms for functional switching, but topics from a broader range of research relevant to the goals of the NRI were also presented. The visit provided a forum for stimulating discussions about how Nebraska research can and will help meet the goals of the NRI.
- Challenges for "Beyond CMOS" circa 2009, George Bourianoff
- Overview of the project: Multiferroic interfaces: new paradigms for functional switching, Evgeny Tsymbal
- Magnetic reconstruction at a manganite/ferroelectric interface induced by polarization switching, J. D. Burton
- Magneto-elastic switching phenomena in Mn3AN (A=Ga, Zn), Renat Sabirianov
- Switchable 2DEG at KNbO3/ATiO3 (A=Sr, Ba, Pb) Interfaces, Yong Wang
- Phase transitions and magnetism at the Cr2O3 (0001) surface, Kirill Belashchenko
- Ferroelectric tunnel junctions, Alexei Gruverman

Kirill Belashchenko speaks about phase transitions and magnetism at the Cr2O3 (0001) surface.