Seed Project:
Probing Room-temperature Skyrmions at the Nanoscale using Diamond Quantum Sensors
Abdelghani Laraoui (Mechanical & Materials Engineering)

SuperSeed 1:
Spin-Orbit Coupling Driven Quantum Phenomena at Correlated Oxide Interfaces
Xia Hong, Peter Dowben, Xiaoshan Xu (Physics & Astronomy)

SuperSeed 2:
New Hybrid Nanophotonic Materials Based on Nanoantennas and Metasurfaces
Christos Argyropoulos (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Previous Seed Projects
Capturing the Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Ordering with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
Martin Centurion (Physics & Astronomy)
NanoThermoMechanical Thermal Computing: NanoPhotonics Metamaterials for High Temperature Memories and Logic Devices
Sidy Ndao (Mechanical and Materials Engineering)
Dielectric Mechano-Opto-Magnetic Metamaterials
Christos Argyropoulos (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Stephen Morin (Chemistry)
Electronic, Transport, and Defect Properties of Low-Dimensional Ferroelectric Systems from First-Principles
Vitaly Alexandrov (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
Spin Transport through Interfaces with Strong Spin-Orbit Interactions
Alexey Kovalev (Physics & Astronomy)
Nucleation Control of Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) through Crystallization Parameters and Self-Seeding
Lucia Fernandez-Ballester(Mechanical and Materials Engineering)
Development of K-5 Students and Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Knowledge of Nanoscience
Krista Adams (Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education)
Polarization Coupled Memristive Behavior in Oxide Heterostructures (SuperSeed)
Alexei Gruverman, Andrei Sokolov (Physics & Astronomy), and Alexander Sinitskii (Chemistry)
Interface Engineered Multiferroics in Complex Oxide Heterostructures
Xia Hong (Physics & Astronomy)
Magnetic Nanoparticles Based Therapeutics for Breast Cancer
Srivatsan Kidambi (Chemical & Biomolecular Eng.)
Templated Assembly of Single Molecule Magnets in Metal Organic Frameworks
Jian Zhang (Chemistry)
Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Polymers with Nanoscale Phase Separation and Spin Transport in the Nanodomains
Jinsong Huang (Mechanical & Materials Engineering)
Synthesis and Theoretical Study of Half-Metallic Highly-Textured Gadolinium Nitride Films
"Barry" Chin Li Cheung (Chemistry)
Magnetic Field Sensing Beyond Heisenberg Limit with Magnetic Nanoparticles
Pavel Lougovski (Physics & Astronomy)
Electronic DNA Detection via Magnetic Particles Preconcentration
Rebecca Lai (Chemistry)
Magnetism of Ferromagnetic Nanospirals
Eva Franke-Schubert (Electrical Engineering)
Tunable Magnetic Tunnel Junction with Optical Output
Ravi Saraf (Chemical Engineering)
Optical Properties of Dilute Magnetic Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductor Multilayers and Nanostructures
Mathias Schubert (Electrical Engineering)
Large Area Ferromagnetic Nanostructures Fabricated with SNIL
Li Tan (Engineering Mechanics)
Magnetic Properties of Mixed-Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Marjorie Langell (Chemistry)
Electronic Structure and Properties of Magnetic Clusters and Nanotubes
Xiao Cheng Zeng (Chemistry)
Nanocluster Ensembles: Preparation, Characterization and Fundamental Thermodynamic Properties
Jody Redepenning (Chemistry), Christian Binek (Physics), and Nathanael Fackler (Nebraska Wesleyan University)
Coarse Graining for Dynamic Multiscale Simulations in Magnetism
Renat Sabirianov (Physics, UNO)
Theoretical Studies of Magnetotransport at Finite Temperatures
Kirill Belashchenko (Physics)
Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon-Nanotube Spintronic Transistors
Yongfeng Lu (Electrical Engineering)
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Diandra Leslie-Pelecky (Physics)
Bioselfassembly of Nanoscale Arrays
Brian Robertson (Mechanical Engineering) and Paul Blum (School of Biological Sciences)
Electron Transport in Polymer Magnets and Organic Semiconductors
Andrzej Rajca (Chemistry)