Current Research
IRG 1: Magnetoelectric Materials and Functional Interfaces
IRG 2: Polarization-Enabled Electronic Phenomena
Seed Project 1: NanoThermoMechanical Thermal Computing: NanoPhotonics Metamaterials for High Temperature Memories and Logic Devices
Seed Project 2: Capturing the Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Ordering with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
SuperSeed 1: Spin-Orbit Coupling Driven Quantum Phenomena at Correlated Oxide Interfaces
SuperSeed 2: New Hybrid Nanophotonic Materials Based on Nanoantennas and Metasurfaces
Recent Discoveries
» Nebraska MRSEC researchers have designed new hybrid heterostructure nanophotonic materials composed of plasmonic metals and dielectrics to manipulate photons at optical frequencies. (Jan. 2019) read more...
» Nebraska MRSEC researchers ID promising key to performance of next-gen electronics (Nov. 2018) read more...
» Nebraska MRSEC researchers have discovered a giant electrostriction effect in methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3) – one the well known halide perovskites. (Sept. 2018) read more...
» Physicists observe long-sought nanoscale phenomenon (March 2018)