MRSEC Supplemental Grant
Science Slam
Annual campus-wide science communication contest in which undergraduate and graduate students from all scientific disciplines are challenged to communicate their work in short, dynamic, engaging presentations.

Previous SRC/NSF Supplements to Nebraska MRSEC:
- Study and Control of Intrinsic Magnetization at the Boundary of a Magnetoelectric for Electrically Switchable Magnetic Nanostructures
Kirill Belashchenko, Christian Binek, Peter Dowben - Investigation of Critical Polarization Behavior in Ultrathin Ferroelectric Films
Alexei Gruverman, Evgeny Tsymbal, Chang-Beom Eom (U. Wisconsin) - Multiferroic Interfaces: New Paradigms for Functional Switching
Evgeny Tsymbal, Kirill Belashchenko, Renat Sabirianov