Program Highlights: Cover Pages

Nebraska MRSEC Research on Cover Pages

Nebraska Materials Research and Engineering Center (MRSEC) is developing new materials with electronic, magnetic, and transport properties that can be controlled with an applied electric field or with electric polarization. A particular emphasis is made on studies of new ferroic materials and structures aimed at developing the fundamental understanding of their properties and related phenomena important for information processing and storage, energy harvesting, and advanced electronics.

In the last year a significant progress has been made by Nebraska MRSEC researchers in these fields as is evidenced from a number of publications in high profile journals which are selected for cover pages of these journals.

These programs are supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Materials Research Science and Engineering Program, Grant 1420645.

book covers

Cover pages of selected journals highlighting Nebraska MRSEC research.

Highlight Info

Date: May 2017
Research Area: 