Program Highlights: The Future of Science Communication

Science Slams: The Future of Science Communication

Axel Enders and Jocelyn Bosley  
 Nebraska MRSEC

Held for the first time on March 16, 2016, on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, Science Slams is a new signature activity for the Nebraska MRSEC education and outreach program, and a first-of-its-kind event in the United States. The goal of Science Slams is to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to widen their focus beyond the results of their immediate research, making these results understandable and meaningful to a broad audience in a concise and engaging way.

The varied academic backgrounds of the speakers and audience members forced the speakers, or slammers, to discuss their work in ways that would communicate the excitement of their research to a diverse audience. The audience had an all-important role to play in deciding the outcome of the Slam, with their votes determining the winner, who received a cash prize.

As a novel form of science communication, Science Slams provide a platform for students to develop new communication strategies while also breaking down barriers among scientific disciplines. Nebraska MRSEC is taking the lead in efforts to further grow Science Slams into a nationwide phenomenon. This event has already attracted national attention, including an article in Popular Science, which can be found at More details can be found at, and videos of all the finalists’ presentations are available on the YouTube channel.

These programs are supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Materials Research Science and Engineering Program, Grant DMR-1420645.


Alice MillerMacPhee of the University of Nebraska Department of Sociology recreates her journey from passionate activist to data-driven social scientist in her Science Slam talk.

Highlight Info

Date: March 2016
Research Area: