Program Highlights: MRSEC WoPhyS13 Conference

Nebraska MSREC WoPhyS13 Conference

Axel Enders
Nebraska MRSEC

The University of Nebraska held its fifth Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences on October 24-26, 2013 under the scientific theme “Nano Trek.”
WoPhyS, chaired by MRSEC faculty Axel Enders, provides participants with a unique opportunity to discuss scientific work and research experiences with their peers. WoPhyS attracts approximately 75 students per year from across the U.S. Within the last five years, WoPhyS has become a phenomenal success, growing in stature (as indicated by the speakers we have been able to draw from U.S. universities, national laboratories, industry, and NASA), popularity (in 2013 we had to close the online registration four weeks before the deadline due to high demand, and reputation (in 2013 we drew students from 26 states in the U.S.). WoPhyS has become a highly effective recruitment tool. 

Highlights of the WoPhyS13 Conference included:

  • plenary talks by accomplished women scientists from the U.S.
  • invited presentations by undergraduate students upon nomination by their faculty mentor
  • Podium discussions on careers in science
  • Networking opportunities for students during poster session, conference banquets, and social events
  • lab tours at the Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering Department

These programs are supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Materials Research Science and Engineering Program, Grant 0820521.




Participants of the WoPhyS-2013 Conference

Highlight Info

Date: March 2014
Research Area: