Program Highlights: Science Communicators

Science Slams: Seeding a Community of Science Communicators

Rebecca Lai and Jocelyn Bosley
Nebraska MRSEC

Nebraska MRSEC’s signature Science Slams program, now in its third year, has given rise to a robust, cross-disciplinary community of early-career scholars who are cultivating the skills to communicate their work effectively to a broad audience. New in 2018, Science Slam finalists received professional coaching during a half-day science communication workshop presented by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In addition, past Slammers provided one-on-one mentoring to current finalists. 2018 Science Slam finalists were Karl Ahrendsen, physics; Andrew Conner, mathematics; Kenneth Hipp, chemistry; Alice MillerMacPhee, sociology; Hernán Vázquez Miranda, natural resources; and Kelly Willemssens, natural resources.

These programs are supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Materials Research Science and Engineering Program, Grant DMR-1420645.


Current and former Science Slam finalists participate in a science communication workshop presented by the AAAS Center for Public Engagement.

Highlight Info

Date: April 2019
Research Area: 