Program Highlights: WoPhyS11 Conference

Nebraska MSREC WoPHY11 Conference

Verona Skomski and Jeffrey Shield
Nebraska MRSEC

The University of Nebraska held its third Women in Physics Conference October 20-22, 2011, organized by MRSEC faculty member Axel Enders. The theme of this year’s conference was “Materials Girls.” The conference highlighted progress in Materials Science done by undergraduate women in physics, chemistry, and engineering at colleges and universities. Over 75 undergraduate students from 24 states participated in this year’s conference and most of the students presented either invited oral talks or posters.
Highlights of the WoPHY11 Conference included:

  • plenary talks by accomplished women scientists from around the country
  • invited presentations by undergraduate students upon nomination by their faculty mentor
  • career workshop where women faculty shared their experiences with the participants
  • poster session, conference banquets, and social events for the students to discuss science and connect with each other
  • lab tours at the Physics Department of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

These programs are supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Materials Research Science and Engineering Program, Grant 0820521.


Highlight Info

Date: March 2012
Research Area: