MRSEC-Supported Publications
April 2008 - March 2009

a. Primary MRSEC Support—IRG 1
1. A. Baruth and S. Adenwalla, “Enhanced Blocking Temperature and Isothermal Control of Hysteresis Loop Shifts in Co/NiO/[Co/Pt] Heterostructures with Orthogonal Easy Axes,” Phys. Rev. B 78, 174407 (1-6) (2008).
2. S.-H. Liou, Rui Zhang, Stephen E. Russek, L. Yuan, Sean T. Halloran, and David P. Pappas, “Dependence of Noise in Magnetic Tunnel Junction Sensors on Annealing Field and Temperature”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07E920 (1-3) (2008).
3. X. Rui, J. E. Shield, Z. Sun, R. Skomski, Y. Xu, D. J. Sellmyer, M. J. Kramer, and Y. Q. Wu, “Intra-Cluster Exchange-Coupled High-Performance Permanent Magnets,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320, 2576-2583 (2008).
4. M. Chipara, R. Skomski, N. Ali, D. Hui, and D. J. Sellmyer, “Magnetic Properties of Barium Ferrite Dispersed Within Polystyrene-Butadiene-Styrene Block Copolymers,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 9, 3678-3683 (2009).
5. M. M. Patterson, X. Rui, X. Li, J. E. Shield, and D. J. Sellmyer, “Plasma Ion Heating Produces L10 FePt Nanoclusters,” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1087-V08-08 (2008).
6. D. J. Sellmyer, J. E. Shield, R. Skomski, X. Rui, and M. J. Kramer, “Intra-Cluster Exchange Coupling for High-Performance Magnets,” in Rare Earth Permanent Magnets and their Applications, Ed. D. Niarchos (Admore Press, Athens, 2008). p. 221-224.
7. R. Skomski, “Temperature Dependence of Half-Metallic Hybridization Gaps”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D714 (1-3) (2008).
8. D. Wu, Q. Zhang, J. P. Liu, and R. F. Sabirianov, “Dependence of Exchange Coupling on Interfacial Conditions in SmCo5/Co System: A First-Principles Study”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8(6):3036-9 (2008).
9. C. Westman, S. Jang, C. Kim, S. He, G. Harmon, N. Miller, B. Graves, N. Poudyal, R. Sabirianov, H. Zeng, M. DeMarco, and J. P. Liu “Surface Induced Suppression of Magnetization in Nanoparticles”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 225003 (2008).
10. Lei-Ming Wang, Jaeil Bai, Anne Lechtken, Wei Huang, Detlef Schooss, Manfred M. Kappes, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Lai-Sheng Wang, “Magnetic doping of the golden cage cluster M @ Au16– (M=Fe,Co,Ni),” Phys. Rev. B 79, 033413 (1-4) (2009).
b. Partial MRSEC Support—IRG 1
1. J. Zhang, V. Sessi, C. H. Michaelis, I. Brihuega, J. Honolka, K. Kern, R. Skomski, X. Chen, G. Rojas, and A. Enders, “Ordered Layers of Co Clusters on BN Template Layers,” Phys. Rev. B 78, 165430 (1-5) (2008).
2. J. Honolka, T. Y. Lee, K. Kuhnke, A. Enders, R. Skomski, S. Bornemann, S. Mankovsky, J. Minar, J. Staunton, H. Ebert, M. Hessler, K. Fauth, G. Schütz, A. Buchsbaum, M. Schmidt, P. Varga, and K. Kern, “Magnetism of FePt Surface Alloys,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 067207 (2009).
3. Lei-Ming Wang, Rhitankar Pal, Wei Huang, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Lai-Sheng Wang, “Tuning the electronic properties of the golden buckyball by endohedral doping: M @Au16– (M = Ag, Zn, In),” J. Chem. Phys. 130, 051101 (1-4) 2009.
4. Nan Shao, Yong Pei, Yi Gao, and Xiao Cheng Zeng, “Onset of Double Helical Structure in Small-Sized Homoleptic Gold Thiolate Clusters,” J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 629-632 (2009).
5. Xiaojun Wu and Xiao Cheng Zeng, “Periodic Graphene Nanobuds,” Nano Lett. 9, 250-256 (2009).
6. R. Skomski, A. Enders, G. C. Hadjipanayis, and D. J. Sellmyer, “Exotic Hard-Magnetic Materials,” Proc. 20th Intl. Wkshp. on Rare Earth Permanent Magnets, Ed. D. Niarchos, 62-66 (2008).
c. Shared Facilities—IRG1
1. P. M. Shand, J. G. Bohnet, J. Goertzen, J. E. Shield, D. Schmitter, G. Shelbourne, and D. L. Leslie-Pelecky, “Magnetic Behavior of Melt-Spun Gadolium,” Phys. Rev. B 77, 184415 (1-11) (2008).
2. W. Xiong, Y. S. Zhou, M. Mahjouri-Samani, W. Q. Yang, K. J. Yi, X. N. He, S.-H. Liou, and Y. F. Lu, “Self-Aligned Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Optical Near-Field Effects,” Nanotechnology 20, 025601(1-4) (2009).
a. Primary MRSEC Support—IRG 2
1. J. P. Velev, P. A. Dowben, E. Y. Tsymbal, S. J. Jenkins, and A. N. Caruso, Review Article: “Interface Effects in Spin-Polarized Metal/Insulator Layered Structures,” Surface Science Reports63, 400-425 (2008).
2. C.-G. Duan, J. P. Velev, R. F. Sabirianov, W. N. Mei, S. S. Jaswal, and E. Y. Tsymbal, “Tailoring Magnetic Anisotropy at the Ferromagnet/Ferroelectric Interface,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 122905 (1-3) (2008).
3. P. A. Dowben, A. Yu. Ignatov, Jing Liu, and R. Skomski, “The Local Environment of Co in B5CHx,” J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D125 (2008).
4. Ning Wu, David Wisbey, Takashi Komesu, Z. X. Yu, M. Manno, L. Wang, C. Leighton and P. A. Dowben, “The Kinetic Energy Dependent Effective Debye Temperature for CoS2 (100),” Physics Letters A 372, 2484-2489 (2008).
5. Ning Wu, R. F. Sabirianov, Chun-gang Duan, W. N. Mei, David Wisbey, Ya. B. Losovyj, M. Manno, C. Leighton, En Cai, Jiandi Zhang, and P. A. Dowben, “The Surface Stability of CoS2 (100),” J. Phys. Cond. Matter 20, 215231 (2008).
6. S. Polisetty, J. Scheffler, S. Sahoo, Yi Wang, T. Mukherjee, Xi He, and Ch. Binek, “Optimization of Magneto-Optical Kerr Setup: Analyzing Experimental Assemblies Using Jones Matrix Formalism,” Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 055107 (2008).
7. J. P. Velev, C.-G. Duan, J. D. Burton, A. Smogunov, M. K. Niranjan, E. Tosatti, S. S. Jaswal, and E. Y. Tsymbal, “Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Ferroelectric Barriers: Prediction of Four Resistance States from First-Principles,” Nano Letters 9, 427-432 (2009).
8. J. P. Velev, R. F. Sabirianov, Z. Zhu, J. Chu, S. S. Jaswal, and E. Y. Tsymbal, “Surface Magnetoelectric Effect in Ferromagnetic Metal Films,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 137201 (1-4) (2008).
9. M. K. Niranjan, J. P. Velev, C.-G. Duan, S. S. Jaswal, and E. Y. Tsymbal, “Magnetoelectric Effect at the Fe3O4/BaTiO3 (001) Interface: A First-Principles Study,” Phys. Rev. B 78, 104405 (1-8) (2008).
10. D. Schmidt, B. Booso, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, A. Sarangen, and M. Schubert, “Monoclinic Optical Constants, Birefringence, and Dichroism of Slanted Titanium Nanocolumns Determined by Generalized Ellipsometry,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 011914 (1-3) (2009).
11. Siqi Shi, A. L. Wysocki, and K. D. Belashchenko, “Magnetism of Chromia from First-Principles Calculations,” Phys. Rev. B 79, 104404 (1-7) (2009).
b. Partial MRSEC Support—IRG 2
1. J. D. Burton and E. Y. Tsymbal, “Magnetoresistive Phenomena in Nanoscale Magnetic Contacts” in Oxford Handbook of Nanoscience and Technology, vol.1, eds. A. V. Narlikar and Y. Y. Fu, (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2009) pp. 677-718.
2. Ya. B. Losovyj, Melanie Klinke, En Cai, Idaykis Rodriguez, Jiandi Zhang, L. Makinistian, A. G. Petukhov, E. A. Albanesi, P. Galiy, Ya. Fiyala, Jing Liu, and P. A. Dowben, “The Electronic Structure of Surface Chains in the Layered Semiconductor In4Se3(100),” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 122107 (2008).
3. P. A. Dowben, Jie Xiao, Bo Xu, A. Sokolov, and B. Doudin, “Different Approaches to Adjusting Band Offsets at Intermolecular Interfaces,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 254, 4238-4244 (2008).
4. Ihor Ketsman, Ya. B. Losovyj, A. Sokolov, Jinke Tang, Zhenjun Wang, M. Natta, J. I. Brand, and P. A. Dowben, “Gd-Doping of HfO2, ” Appl. Surf. Sci. 254, 4308-4312 (2008).
5. Jing Liu, Ya. B. Losovyj, Takashi Komesu, P. A. Dowben, L. Makinistian, E. A. Albanesi, A. G. Petukhov, P. Galiy, and Ya. Fiyala, “The Bulk Band Structure and Inner Potential of Layered In4Se3,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 254, 4322-4325 (2008).
6. Ya. B. Losovyj, Ihor Ketsman, N. Lozova, John Scott, P. A. Dowben, I. N. Yakovkin, S. M. Zuber, “The Gold and Oxygen (3x1) Structures on W (112)”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 254, 4326-4331 (2008).
7. David Wisbey, Ning Wu, Danqin Feng, A. N. Caruso, J. Belot, Yaroslav Losovyj, Elio Vescovo, and P. A. Dowben, “Interface Induced Spin and Dipole Ordering of the Copper Spin-1/2 Molecule: Bis(4-cyano-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)copper(II)”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 13656-13662 (2008).
8. G. Wang, J. R. Brewer, F. Namavar, R. F. Sabirianov, H. Haider, K. Garvin, and C. L. Cheung, “Structural Study of Titanium Oxide Films Synthesized by Ion Beam-Assisted Deposition,” Scanning 30, 59-64 (2008).
9. G. Li, R. F. Sabirianov, J. Lu, X. C. Zeng and W. N. Mei, “Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Endohedrally Doped Fullerene Mn@C60: A Total Energy Study,” J. Chem. Phys. 128, 074304 (1-6) (2008).
10. Ya. B. Losovyj, L. Makinistian, E. A. Albanesi, A. G. Petukhov, Jing Liu, P. Galiy, O. R. Dveriy, P. A. Dowben, “The Anisotropic Band Structure of Layered In4Se3(001)”, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 083713 (2008).
11. David Wisbey, Ning Wu, Yaroslav Losovyj, Ihor Ketsman, A. N. Caruso, Danqin Feng, J. Belot, Elio Vescovo, and P. A. Dowben, “Radiation Induced Decomposition of the Metal-Organic Molecule Bis(4-cyano-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)copper(II)”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 3576-3580 (2008).
12. S. Polisetty, S. Sahoo, A. Berger, and Ch. Binek, “Temperature Dependence of the Training Effect in Exchange Coupled Ferromagnetic Bilayers,” Phys. Rev. B 78, 184426 (1-8) (2008).
13. S. Sahoo and Ch. Binek, “Quenching of the Exchange Bias Training in Fe/Cr2O3/Fe Trilayer,” AIP. Conf. Proc. 1063, 132 (2008).
14. Ch. Binek, Xi He, Yi Wang, and S. Sahoo, “Electrically Controlled Magnetism,” Invited conference paper, Proceeding of SPIE, Spintronics 7036, 70360X (2008).
15. A. L. Wysocki, J. K. Glasbrenner, and K. D. Belashchenko, “Thermodynamics of Itinerant Magnets in a Classical Spin-Fluctuation Model,” Phys. Rev. B 78, 184419 (1-7) (2008).
16. P. Lukashev, R. Sabirianov, and K. Belashchenko, “Theory of the Piezomagnetic Effect in Mn-Based Antiperovskites,” Phys. Rev. B 78, 184414 (1-5) (2008).
17. K. Janicka, J. P. Velev, and E. Y. Tsymbal, “Quantum Nature of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Confinement at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 106803 (1-4) (2009).
18. V. Bliznyuk, S. Singamaneni, S. Sahoo, S. Polisetty, and Ch. Binek, “Self-Assembly of Magnetic Ni Nanoparticles into 1D Arrays with Antiferromagnetic Order,” Nanotechnology 20, 105606 (1-8) (2009).
c. Shared Facilities—IRG2
1. A. N. Chantis, K. D. Belashchenko, E. Y. Tsymbal, and I. V. Sus, “The Importance of Fe Surface States for Magnetic Tunnel Junction Based Spintronic Devices,” Modern Physics Letters B 22, 2529-2551 (2008).
2. Danqin Feng, Jing Liu, Adam P. Hitchcock, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Tolek Tyliszczak, Norman Riehs, Eckart Rühl, John D. Bozek, David McIlroy, and P. A. Dowben, “Photo-Fragmentation of the Closo-Carboranes Part 1: Energetics of Decomposition”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 3311-3318 (2008).
3. P. A. Dowben, Luis G. Rosa, and C. C. Ilie, “Water Interactions with Crystalline Polymers with Large Dipoles,” Festschrift in honor of Michael Grunze's 60th birthday: edited by Armin Gölzhäuser, and Christof Wöll, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 222, 755-778 (2008).
4. Jie Xiao, Matt Poulsen, D. Sahadeva Reddy, J. M. Takacs, Ya. B. Losovyj, and P. A. Dowben, “Electronic Structure Evidence for All-Trans Poly (methylvinylidene cyanide),” Polymer Engineering & Science 48, 1649-1654 (2008).
5. C. M. Othon, J. Kim, S. Ducharme, and V. M. Fridkin, “Switching Kinetics of Ferroelectric Nanomesas,” J. Appl. Phys. 104, 054109 (2008).
a. Primary MRSEC Support—Seeds
1. Z. Chen, J. Yang, and L. Tan, “Collective Buckling of A Two-Dimensional Array of Interacting Columns on the Surface of An Elastic Substrate,” J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 14766 (2008).
2. T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, C. Krahmer, K. Streubel, and M. Schubert, “The Optical Hall Effect,” phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 779-783 (2008).
3. M. F. Saenger, M. Hetterich, R. D. Kirby, D. J. Sellmyer, and M. Schubert, “Dielectric and Magnetic Birefringence in Low-Chlorine-Doped n-Type Zn1-xMnxSe,” phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1007 (2008).
4. D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Generalized Ellipsometry Determination of Non-reciprocity in Chiral Silicon Sculptured Thin Films,” phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 748-751 (2008).
5. V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert, “Electrooptic Ellipsometry Study of Piezoelectric BaTiO3-ZnO Heterostructures,” phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1328-1331 (2008).
6. V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert, “Interface-Charge-Coupled Polarization Response of Pt-BaTiO3-ZnO-Pt Heterojunctions: A Physical Model Approach,” J. Electron. Mater 37, 1029-1034 (2008).
7. T. Hofmann, C. von Middendorff, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert, “Optical Hall Effect Studies on Modulation-Doped AlxGa1-xAs:Si/GaAs Quantum Wells,” phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1386 - 1390 (2008).
8. V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, A. C. Kjerstad, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert, “Interface-Charge-Coupled Polarization Response Model of Pt-BaTiO3-ZnO-Pt Heterojunctions: Physical Parameters Variation,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1074E, 1074-I01-11 (2008).
9. T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, D. Schmidt, and E. Schubert, “Infrared Behavior of Aluminum Nanostructure Sculptured Thin Films,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1080E, 1080-O04-16 (2008).
b. Partial MRSEC Support—Seeds
1. V. Darakchieva, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, B. E. Sernelius, B. Monemar, P. O. A. Persson, F. Giuliani, E. Alves, H. Lu, and W. J. Schaff, “Free Electron Behavior in InN: On the Role of Dislocations and Surface Electron Accumulation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 022109 (2009).
2. T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, U. Schade, M. Mross, J. A. Woollam, and M. Schubert, “Terahertz Ellipsometry Using Electron-Beam Based Sources,” in Performance and Reliability of Semiconductor Devices, edited by M. Mastro, J. LaRoche, F. Ren, J.-I. Chyi, J. Kim (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1108, Warrendale, PA, 2009), p. A08-04.
3. Ch. Sturm, T. Chavdarov, R. Schmidt-Grund, B. Rheinländer, C. Bundesmann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Schubert, and M. Grundmann, “Investigation of the Free Charge Carrier Properties at the ZnO Sapphire Interface in a-Plane ZnO Films Studied by Generalized Infrared Ellipsometry,” phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1350-1353 (2008).
4. M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert, “Polaron Transitions in Charge Intercalated Amorphous Tungsten Oxide Thin Films,” phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 914-917 (2008).
5. R. Schmidt-Grund, B. Rheinländer, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, D. Fritsch, M. Schubert, H. Schmidt, and C. M. Herzinger, “Vacuum Ultraviolet Dielectric Function and Band Structure of ZnO,” Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53, 88-93 (2008).
6. M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, B. W. Robertson, R. B. Billa, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert, “Polaron and Phonon Properties in Proton Intercalated Amorphous Tungsten Oxide Thin Films,” Phys. Rev. B 75, 245205 (2008).
7. V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, A. Usui, M. F. Saenger, and M. Schubert, “Lattice Parameters of Bulk GaN Fabricated by Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy,” J. Cryst. Growth 310, 959-965 (2008).
8. M. Dressel, B. Gompf, D. Faltermeier, A. K. Tripathi, J. Pflaum, and M. Schubert, “Kramers-Kronig-Consistent Optical Functions of Anisotropic Crystals: Generalized Spectroscopic Ellipsometry on Pentacene,” Opt. Express 16, 19770 (2008).
9. C. Krahmer, A. Behres, M. Schubert, and K. Streubel, “In-Situ Monitoring of the p- and n-Type Doping in AlGaInP,” J. Cryst. Growth 310, 4727 (2008).
10. D. Hofstetter, Y. Bonetti, E. Baumann, R. Giorgetta, A.-H. El-Shaer, A. Bakin, A. Waag, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert, “Characterization of an Optically Pumped ZnO-Based 3rd Order Distributed Feedback Laser,” SPIE Vol. 6895, 68950J (2008).
11. D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, A. C. Kjerstad, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert, “Optical and Magnetic Properties of Co Nanostructure Thin Films,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1142, 1142-JJ09-04 (2009).
c. Shared Facilities—Seeds
1. J. Jiang, O. Lima, Y. Pei, X. Zeng, L. Tan, and E. Forsythe, “Dipole-Induced, Thermally Stable Lamellar Structure by Polar Aromatic Silane,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 900 (2009).
2. J. Yan, Z. Chen, J. Jiang, L. Tan, and X. Zeng, “Free-Standing All-Nanoparticle Thin Fibers: A Novel Nanostructure Bridging Zero- and One-Dimensional Nanoscale Features,” Adv. Mater. 21, 314 (2009).