MRSEC-Supported Publications
March 2015 - July 2015

a. Primary MRSEC Support—IRG 1
- U. Singh, and S. Adenwalla, “Spatial mapping of focused surface acoustic waves in the investigation of high frequency strain induced changes,” Nanotechnology 26, 255707 [10 pages] (2015). Editor's Choice with a news release at Nano-cartography: http://
- D. A. Kunkel, J. Hooper, S. Simpson, D. Miller, L. Routaboul, P. Braunstein, B. Doudin, P. Dowben, R. Skomski, E. Zurek, and A. Enders, “Self-assembly of strongly dipolar molecules on metal surfaces,” J. Chem. Phys. 142, 101921 [9 pages] (2015).
- S. Knight, S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-F. Carlin, N. Grandjean, C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann, “Cavity-enhanced optical Hall effect in two-dimensional free charge carrier gases detected at terahertz frequencies,” Opt. Lett. 40, 2688-2691 (2015).
- P. Wilson, A. Lipatov, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, A. Sinitskii, and T. Hofmann, “Structural and optical properties of cobalt slanted nanopillars conformally coated with few-layer graphene,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 231901 [5 pages] (2015).
- S. Cao, T. R. Paudel, K. Sinha, X. Jiang, W. Wang, E. Y. Tsymbal, X. Xu, and P. A. Dowben, “The stability and surface termination of hexagonal LuFeO3,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 175004 [7 pages] (2015).
b. Partial MRSEC Support—IRG 1
- L. Fallarino, C. Binek, and A. Berger, “Boundary magnetization properties of epitaxial Cr2-xAlxO3 thin films,” Phys. Rev. B 91, 214403 [8 pages] (2015).
- L. Fallarino, A. Berger, and C. Binek, “Magnetic field induced switching of the antiferromagnetic order parameter in thin films of magnetoelectric chromia,” Phys. Rev. B 91, 054414 [7 pages] (2015).
- S. Cao, N. Wu, W. Echtenkamp, V. Lauter, H. Ambaye, T. Komesu, C. Binek, and P. A. Dowben, “The surface stability of Cr2O3(0001),” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 255003 [6 pages] (2015).
- D. Le, A. Barinov, E. Preciado, M. Isarraraz, I. Tanabe, T. Komesu, C. Troha, L. Bartels, T. S. Rahman, and P. A. Dowben, “Spin-orbit coupling in the band structure of monolayer WSe2,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Communications) 27, 182201 [5 pages] (2015).
- A. Nguyen, P. Sharma, T. Scott, E. Preciado, V. Klee, D. Sun, I.-H. Lu, D. Barroso, S. Kim, V. Y. Shur, A. R. Akhmatkhanov, A. Gruverman, L. Bartels, and P. A. Dowben, “Toward ferroelectric control of monolayer MoS2,” Nano Lett. 15 (5), 3364-3369 (2015).
- L. Zhang, H. J. Gardner, X. G. Chen, V. R. Singh, and X. Hong, “Strain induced modulation of the correlated transport in epitaxial Sm0.5Nd0.5NiO3 thin films,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Communications) 27, 132201 [7 pages] (2015).
a. Primary MRSEC Support—IRG 2
- S. Chen, A. Enders, and X. C. Zeng, “Influence of structural fluctuations, proton transfer, and electric field on polarization switching of supported two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded oxocarbon monolayers,” Chem. Mater. 27 (13), 4839-4847 (2015).
- A. Sokolov, O. Bak, H. Lu, S. Li, E. Y. Tsymbal and A. Gruverman, “Effect of epitaxial strain on tunneling electroresistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions,” Nanotechnology 26, 305202 [7 pages] (2015).
- H.-J. Feng, T. R. Paudel, E. Y. Tsymbal, and X. C. Zeng, “Tunable optical properties and charge separation in CH3NH3SnxPb1−xI3/TiO2‑based planar perovskites cells,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 8227-8236 (2015).
- P. Sharma, S. Ryu, J. D. Burton, T. R. Paudel, C. W. Bark, Z. Huang, Ariando, E. Y. Tsymbal, G. Catalan, C. B. Eom, and A. Gruverman, “Mechanical tuning of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface conductivity,” Nano Letters 15, 3547-3551 (2015).
- J. Dai and X. C. Zeng, “Titanium Trisulfide monolayer: Theoretical prediction of a new direct-gap semiconductor with high and anisotropic carrier mobility,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 7572 -7576 (2015).
b. Partial MRSEC Support—IRG 2
- Y.-Y. Choi, P. Sharma, C. Phatak, D. J. Gosztola, Y. Liu, J. Lee, J. Li, A. Gruverman, S. Ducharme, and S. Hong, “Enhancement of local piezoresponse in polymer ferroelectrics via nanoscale control of microstructure,” ACS Nano 9 (2), 1809-1819 (2015).
- T. Shimizu, T. Yokouchi, T. Oikawa, T. Shiraishi, T. Kiguchi, A. Akama, T. J. Konno, A. Gruverman, and H. Funakubo, “Contribution of oxygen vacancies to the ferroelectric behavior of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 112904 [5 pages] (2015).
- P. Wilson, A. Zobel, A. Lipatov, E. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and A. Sinitskii, “Multilayer graphitic coatings for thermal stabilization of metallic nanostructures, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (5), 2987-2992 (2015).
- A. Lipatov, P. Wilson, M. Shekhirev, J. Teeter, R. Netusil, and A. Sinitskii, “Few-layer titanium trisulfide (TiS3) field-effect transistors, Nanoscale 7, 12291-12296 (2015).
- C. X. Quintela, J. P. Podkaminer, M. N. Luckyanova, T. R. Paudel, E. L. Thies, D. A. Hillsberry, D. A. Tenne, E. Y. Tsymbal, G. Chen, C.-B. Eom, and F. Rivadulla, “Epitaxial CrN thin films with high thermoelectric figure of merit,” Adv. Mat. 27, 3032-3037 (2015).
- Y. Xu, J. Dai, and X. C. Zeng, “Electron-transport properties of few-layer black phosphorus,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1996-2002 (2015).
- M. Wu, H. Fu, L. Zhou, K. Yao, and X. C. Zeng, “Nine new phosphorene polymorphs with non-honeycomb structures: A much extended family,” Nano Lett. 15, 3557-3562 (2015).
a. Primary MRSEC Support—Seeds
b. Partial MRSEC Support—Seeds
- A. Kovalev and U. Güngördü, “Magnetization pumping and dynamics in a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya magnet,” EPL 109, 67008 [6 pages] (2015).